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Read Our Story

Bliss Life Mindfulness Institute was founded by The Bliss Therapist, Amy Elizabeth Bliss.  BLMI was created to bring new, ground-breaking and innovative solutions to the fields of mental health and holistic psychology.  The Bliss Therapist was inspired to create a company that would Uplevel the field of Mental Health Counseling and psychotherapy. 

She studied and received Dual Masters degrees in both Education and Mental Health driven by her passion and love for both fields.  She has over 17 years of experience working in both education and clinical psychology and mental health.  She created a new method of delivering therapy to help people in need by combining the best methods and practices from both education, psychology and mental health.  She saw the advantages of including more education, or psychoeducation, into her business to give clients a more powerful and transformative experience.  She has also incorporated other elements such as personal growth and life coaching.  Her uniques skill set and interests have allowed her to create something unique and powerful that is not found anywhere else. 

After 20 years of working in the field, The Bliss Therapist received a powerful and clear vision, while in a deep meditation state, to create her own innovative, ground-breaking Life Transformation Method and to start a business to help people heal, learn, grow and develop their full potential.  Her mission is to help people find their Bliss and to cultivate more peace, fulfillment, joy and wonder in everyday life.  

Her vision also illuminated some of the problems with current mental health practices and therapy.  Her vision included creating a ground-breaking MetaMethod, called the Bliss Life RESET Method, which combines expertise from over 7 fields including best practices from psychology, education and life coaching and much more.  The new method can change the way we do mental health by helping people to achieve rapid transformation results without long, painful years of therapy and without reliving past traumas.  

The Bliss Life RESET Method has taken the best from psychology and therapy and left out the practices that are ineffective or outdated. By combining the best practices from psychology along with education, coaching, holistic health, art and much more- she has created a method and program that surpasses anything on the market today. 

The Life RESET Method is delivered in a group coaching format.  This allows the participants to have many added benefits that are not found in traditional one-on-one therapy.  We still utilize individual psychotherapy when it is needed.  We evaluate our clients first to determine which methods are best-suited to their needs.  Many of our clients utilize both psychotherapy and the transformational coaching program. 

The coaching format allows a more active participation in the process including setting intentions, goals and having accountability and support to follow through.  The group format is key to the success of the program.  Participants find it much more engaging and interesting than working one-on-one.  The group also serves as a mastermind so participants can have the added benefit of gaining support, encouragement and ideas from many others in the group.  

“When I was leading groups in rehab centers, I found there is a certain magic that happens in the group setting.” The Bliss Therapist

 The group format really keeps people interested and they tend to work harder and show up bigger when they are in the group.  Participants also enjoy helping other members of the group and that creates more positive feelings.  We find participants to be highly- motivated and invested  in the group setting.  

The vision of the RESET method is to create a large active and enthusiastic community of people who have participated in the program and will continue to participate and engage with other members in an online community format.  We will eventually offer more online workshops, speakers, and content along with platforms where participants can interact with each other.  

We will also create live events each year for current or former participants to attend.  The live event will be a very exciting and dynamic event that will offer workshops, speakers, experiences and entertainment.  It will be like combining a motivational seminar with a fun vacation/retreat and a music festival all rolled into one!

Beyond the annual event, we will be creating a village which will be a place for ongoing weekly classes and several retreats throughout the year.  We are excited to see the vision expand and grow.  The Bliss Therapist feels strongly that building physical community is key to improving mental health in the future.  We have envisioned a strong digital and face-to-face community, The Bliss Tribe, that will also help people connect in person. 

Society is moving further towards people being alone, isolated, disconnected and lonely.  This is fueling the mental health crisis that is going on in the US and worldwide.  Research has shown that feeling connected to other people and community is very important for individual happiness and mental well being.   

The RESET Method is truly unique and it is the only method that has taken the practice of psychology, mental health counseling and psychotherapy to a higher level.  The Bliss Therapist envisioned this new, improved, Upleveled, higher consciousness method that will be able to reach and help a much larger audience more effectively with deep and long-lasting results.       

Her vision and mission to create BLMI, was also influenced by years of experience working with people in recovery from alcohol, substance abuse and addictions.  The Bliss Therapist gained incredible knowledge and insight from working with these populations and this also inspired her to create a new life transformation method, with these populations in mind and the unique challenges they struggle to overcome.  The Bliss Life RESET Method took on a form of its own though and is effective for anyone seeking rapid and lasting transformation and growth. 

Amy’s  life work has always been to search for methods that help people heal from emotional pain and suffering. She has been fascinated by psychology, healing, world religions, holistic health, naturopathic medicine, indigenous spiritual practices, entheogenic ceremony and shamanism, spirituality and the power of thought and the mind, since childhood.  

“The calling to help people suffering from abuse, trauma and emotional pain has been in my heart since childhood.  I was born a therapist, empath and healer.”

-Amy Elizabeth Bliss

The Bliss Therapist is passionate about being a thought leader and advocate for those with mental health issues, addictions and trauma.  She is also an advocate for women’s rights and social justice issues.  

In her work as a Corporate Consultant, her mission is to empower individuals and corporations to practice growth, healing and balance in Mind, Body & Spirit.   When employees live a more balanced life in mind-body-spirit they are happier, more productive, more creative and have greater job satisfaction and job retention. 

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 Amy Elizabeth Bliss

The Bliss Therapist

Amy attended graduate school at University of South Florida where she graduated earning the highest honor- Summa Cum Laude.  

Amy was awarded dual Masters degrees in Mental health Counseling and Counselor Education in 2006 with her specialization in Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy and Holistic Mind-Body-Spirit Psychology.  

Amy was always a gifted and diligent student and earned a full academic scholarship to attend The Colorado College for her undergraduate education.  Amy has a love of people, a thirst for knowledge and expertise and a creative, playful, free-spirited personality.  Amy is fascinated by the human mind, motivation, healing, spirituality, biohacking and psychology.  Amy started her career working as an educator and in educational leadership.  

She has also spent many years following her heart and her passion for helping others.  Amy has worked in service of others for many years.  Some of those roles include: Psychotherapist for foster children, Mental Health Counselor for dual diagnosis patients in substance abuse treatment, mental health assessor for juveniles being arrested, Counselor at a psychiatric inpatient hospital, mentor to children from the Native American Shawano Reservation in Wisconsin, Educator at the elementary and secondary levels, Guidance Counselor, Educational Leadership Team, Educational Specialist in ADHD and learning disabilities, Psychotherapist in private practice, Motivational Speaker and Group Therapist for substance abuse treatment centers.  

In the latest chapter of her career, Amy has found her passion sharing her love of meditation and mindfulness with others.  

She’s grateful for the opportunity to serve and reach a much larger population through the Bliss Life RESET Method.  Amy loves working in the areas of Personal Growth, Inspirational Speaking, Writing & Curriculum Design/ Course Creation, and teaching others about Meditation and Mindfulness .  

Amy is passionate about helping others going through life changes, transitions and trauma.  She also finds great pleasure as a Life Transformation Expert.  She loves the challenge and reward of helping people who want to recreate or reinvent themselves and start their Next Great Chapter.

Amy spends most of her time on her latest professional passions which are: writing and creating transformational coaching programs,  doing private psychotherapy and coaching, teaching mindfulness, meditation, life balance and stress management to individuals and corporate teams and executives. 

In her free time you will find Amy, going to the beach, hiking, biking, getting into nature, attending concerts, theater, art shows, trying out new healthy recipes, writing poetry, spending time with her daughters and friends, trying new restaurants, exploring unique places or planning trips to satisfy her wanderlust .    

Amy practices her own self-care through meditation, Zumba, making and viewing art, journaling and reading, spiritual practices, getting into nature, massage and energy work, healthy cooking, practicing gratitude, self-love and self-compassion. 

"I have a vision of a New Society, one that embodies a new model of true human connection, wellness, balance and harmony for the individual and the collective.  I envision a New Society built on a foundation of collaboration and connection rather than egotistical competition.  I envision a New Society that assimilates the simplicity, holistic health and preservation of nature with the best of technology to create harmony and balance."

-Amy Elizabeth Bliss from her book

Life Reset Now.

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If I can manifest and achieve my passion and purpose- anyone can do it!

I have had a long and tumultuous journey full of obstacles and struggles on my way to achieving my life and career goals of becoming a licensed psychotherapist, entrepreneur, thought- leader, visionary and mom of 2 wonderful daughters who are neurodivergent. I achieved all of this as a survivor of severe trauma, PTSD and narcissistic abuse and while working as a single mom of 2 children with special needs.  

I have experienced many obstacles in my own life, many tragedies which caused physical and mental health issues as a result.  I can relate to anyone going through mental health challenges or diagnosis. 

If you're reading this you have probably also experienced some type of difficult or painful life event, perhaps an unexpected death of a loved one, a separation or divorce, infidelity of a spouse or partner, a medical diagnosis, a physical injury causing disability, a job loss or financial crisis.  Sometimes we can do everything "right" in life and things still somehow go "wrong". 

It can be devastating when life changes course unexpectedly overnight and we are left to pick up the pieces and put our lives back together.  

At age 20, my life changed course dramatically overnight when I received a phone call with difficult and tragic news. 

I was attending college out of state when I got the worst phone call of my life.  I was told that my father had pancreatic cancer and it was stage 4, he was only given weeks to live.  

I was faced many difficult decisions- should I drop out of college?  Should I move back home to Wisconsin?  How would I finish college and graduate? 

College was the most important thing in my life at that time.  I was a dedicated, ambitious and gifted student who had worked relentlessly to get accepted into the most elite and rigorous colleges and universities.  I had not only been accepted into over 12 rigorous schools-I had earned a full-ride scholarship for academic excellence. 

My parents didn't go to college and this was a huge accomplishment for a woman from my background. Overnight, the hopes, dreams and accomplishments I had worked for and achieved seemed to be taken away from me. 

This was a painful and difficult time for me, especially being only 20 years old and facing the death of a parent, which most experience when they are mature in their 50's or later. I made the difficult choice to leave college and move back to Wisconsin to spend as much time with my dad as possible.  

It was a difficult period in my life, but I was grateful to spend time with my dad before he passed away too early, at age 46.  As I was preparing to return to college out of state, an even bigger and more devastating tragedy struck my life. 

I was in a life-threatening car accident when I was hit head-on by a drunk driver.  The accident left me with severe physical injuries and a traumatic brain injury.  I had an NDE or Near Death Experience which changed my outlook on life dramatically and was the catalyst for my first Spiritual Awakening. 

The car accident and TBI, traumatic brain injury, caused PTSD, anxiety, depression and ADHD symptoms.   I was left trying to figure out how to move forward with my life while facing physical, cognitive and mental health difficulties from the car accident.  I went back to college, but nothing was the same. 

Everything was much harder and felt almost impossible. Unfortunately I did not get any treatment or help for the TBI or other issues I was facing.  I was out of state and alone with no support or help.  I ended up finishing my coursework but did not finish one final course to graduate.   The next several years I was "just getting by" working low-wage jobs since I did not have my college diploma. 

After several years of struggling, I finally started to work on myself, I got help from a psychotherapist and I began my first major life transformation.  I finally completed my coursework and received my college degree and started feeling better in my life.   I did a lot of self-work and psychotherapy with a trauma-informed psychotherapist to get out of a state of feeling "stuck" , depressed and unmotivated. 

It was not easy, but doing the work on myself and doing psychotherapy changed my life.  This Life Transformation inspired and motivated me to apply to graduate school so i could become a licensed psychotherapist and help others going through difficult mental health and well being struggles.

I realized I had wasted 4-5 years of my life stagnating and just "getting by" or surviving because no one recognized the signs of depression, anxiety or PTSD and no one told me there was help out there. 

I'm passionate about advocating for mental health awareness and education in society.   It is my life purpose and calling to spread more awareness, advocacy and understanding of mental health issues.  I feel called to bring accessible and highly-effective mental health and life transformation programs to thousands of people struggling worldwide. 

I believe that we can create a world where everyone can get the mental health and well-being help they need and end people "suffering in silence" for good. 

I'm currently seeking partners and investors to start my nonprofit.  My nonprofit will help reach my goal of bringing more effective and accessible mental health treatment to thousands.  My motto for the nonprofit is "One less person suffering in silence."

I also have many family members who suffer from mental health diagnosis such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse/addictions and ADHD. 

It has been a long journey for me to learn to overcome and manage these challenges and conditions in myself and in relation to family members.  I truly understand and relate to my clients and patients because I know how difficult it is to face mental health struggles. 

I also know that recovery is possible because I learned to overcome and to find peace and happiness again after severe physical and mental health injury and pain.      

If I can help others afflicted by emotional and mental health issues- then the pain and struggle I went through will all be worth it.  

I am grateful for my life tragedies and struggles they taught me invaluable lessons and helped me grow into a wiser and more compassionate person.  I believe our life struggles and pains are meant to help us each grow as a person and to develop character traits and qualities that take us to higher levels in life. 

"My Pain has been my greatest teacher,

My Gratitude has been my greatest mentor,

My Intuition has always been my greatest advisor and steady companion."

My vision is to share the Bliss Life RESET Method with thousands of people and to have a positive impact that ripples out globally through the Bliss Life RESET Community-the Bliss Tribe.  

I am not different or special though, everyone can learn to develop their intuition and to cultivate more empathy.  Everyone can learn to find their inner voice and intuition and to quiet the “monkey mind” through meditation, mindfulness and other practices.   Everyone can learn key wisdoms to end suffering in their own life and to find their Inner Peace and Bliss.  We can all remember how to live in a childlike state of Wonder.   

These things are attainable for everyone.  I want to share the breakthrough Bliss Life RESET Method with as many people as possible, so thousands can overcome struggle, live up to their highest potential and find their inner Peace, Bliss and Wonder.  

Today is the day! 

Take the first step towards manifesting your best life! 

Don’t let Fear hold you back from being the best and brightest version of you! 

Bliss Life Mindfulness Institute (& the Universe) will support you every step of the Way!  

With Peace & Bliss,

Amy Elizabeth Bliss

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